The Thai Journal of Ophthalmology
The Opthalmological Society of Thailand

Official Publication of the Royal College of Ophthalmologist and Ophthalmological Society of Thailand

Result of Treatment of Amblyopia

Supa Kongsangchai Bsc.
Prut Hanutsaha M.D.

Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine Ramaithibodi Hospital, Mahidol University.

ABSTRACT We reported the results of amblyopia treatment in 40 patients age 1 to 14 years (average 6.13 years).

There were 16 strabismic amblyopia, 7 amblyopia ex anopsia, and 17 an isometropic amblyopia. The treatment methods were: 1) direct occlusion, 2) direct occlusion and CAM vision stimulator, and 3) direct occlusion, CAM vision stimulator and active pleoptic. The VA after treatment improved with statistical significant in every group. The mean pre-treatment VA was 20/200. The mean post-treatment VA was 20/40. The mean follow up time was 14.5 months.

We suggest that the amblyopic patients who are not responsed to conventional theray should be given other treatment methods.