Eye Health Situation in Cambodia

Updated 2020-03-10 10:44:00

Edit and re-write by Prut Hanutsaha, M.D.
Cambodia is a country located in southeast Asia. The country is bordered on the north by Thailand and Laos, on the east by Vietnam, on the south the Gulf of Thailand, and on the west by Thailand. The country covers a total area of 181,035 square kilometers. It is divided into 22 provinces and 4 municipals. The population of Cambodia is 14 millions (Census Bureau 2007). The population structure is, children (0-14 years) 33.2%, working age-group (15-64 years) 63.2% and elderly age-group (>65 years) 3.6%. The birth rate is 25.7 per 1,000 population (2008). The death rate is 8.16 per 1,000 population. The annual population growth rate is 3%. The life expectancy rate in Cambodia is 61.7 years (59.7 years in males and 63.8 years in females). The infant mortality rate is 98 per 1,000 population. Eighty percent of the population live in rural area. The gross national product (GNP) per capita is 354 US$ (2004). The annual government expenditures on health care per capita is 4.0 US$.
Volume 22 No. 1 January-June 2009 0857-376X
Category: Original Articles